Linguiste au CNRS, Alexandre François étudie les langues et cultures du Pacifique. Il appartient depuis 2002 au laboratoire LACITO (“Langues et Civilisations à Tradition Orale”), qu'il dirige depuis 2015.
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Alexandre François
Linguiste au CNRS, Alexandre François étudie les langues et cultures du Pacifique. Il appartient depuis 2002 au laboratoire LACITO (“Langues et Civilisations à Tradition Orale”), qu'il dirige depuis 2015.
I dont have TV at home, so I knew nothing of the murders going on in Paris when I went to bed on Friday night. Very early on Saturday morning, I got sms from India that woke me up, where friends asked if I was OK. I was very much surprised, I checked on the web and realized what had happened. India is about 5 hours ahead of us, they watched TV and were worried about Paris. So, I answered I was fine, and worried nevertheless. All along the week-end, messages came from India enquiring about me, friends of mine whom they knew, Paris, and France. On Monday, a message arrived from Tripura, a region of India which I visited about ten years ago, and where I met a number of very kind fellows.
Through TV I got terrorist attack news in Paris.
We stand with Paris
P. Debbarma
Friends abroad are supporting us
I dont have TV at home, so I knew nothing of the murders going on in Paris when I went to bed on Friday night. Very early on Saturday morning, I got sms from India that woke me up, where friends asked if I was OK. I was very much surprised, I checked on the web and realized what had happened. India is about 5 hours ahead of us, they watched TV and were worried about Paris. So, I answered I was fine, and worried nevertheless. All along the week-end, messages came from India enquiring about me, friends of mine whom they knew, Paris, and France. On Monday, a message arrived from Tripura, a region of India which I visited about ten years ago, and where I met a number of very kind fellows.
Through TV I got terrorist attack news in Paris.
We stand with Paris
P. Debbarma