APLL9: Austronesian and Papuan languages conference
9th International Austronesian and Papuan Languages
and Linguistics Conference — APLL9
21–23 June 2017
This year, our department LACITO has the pleasure of hosting APLL9, the 9th edition of the conference on Austronesian and Papuan Languages and Linguistics. The purpose of APLL conferences is to provide a venue for presentation of the best current research on Austronesian and Papuan languages and linguistics and to promote collaboration and research in this area. (See the conference’s homepage for more detail.)
APLL9 is scheduled for three days, 21-23 June 2017. While previous editions were held in London, APLL9 will be convened in Paris, at the campus of our university partner INALCO, the Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (see its Asia–Pacific section).
Our invited speaker will be Dr Antoinette Schapper (Univ. Köln; KITLV). Following our call for papers (November 2016), all abstracts were subjected to thorough assessment by the Program Committee, and we selected 39 papers. The book of abstracts is available, as well as the conference program (version of 4 June*):
* The program initially released has been revised based on the date constraints of some participants, while preserving the thematic coherence of individual sessions. Further changes might take place in future weeks.
The conference will start at 10:00 on the first morning, and 10:30 on the next two days. Lunches will be provided. The first day, 21 June, will end with a reception, allowing participants to also enjoy the Fête de la Musique on that evening. The second day will end with our (optional) conference dinner in a Paris restaurant. (Online registration and payment can be done online, from this link.)
We’re looking forward to welcoming you in Paris, to celebrate the linguistic wealth of the Papuan and Austronesian worlds.
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Alexandre François (5 juin 2017). APLL9: Austronesian and Papuan languages conference. LES CARNETS DU LACITO. Consulté le 16 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/qpb5