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[TACOL] Maria Konoshenko et Maria Khachaturyan │ “Tonal systems in contact: A two-level tone language meets three level tones”

Séminaire Terrains, Analyse et COmparaison des Langues (TACOL)

La prochaine séance de notre séminaire TACOL aura lieu le mercredi 20 mars 2024 à 14h30, sur place (salle de réunion 311, Campus CNRS de Villejuif) et sur Zoom.


Nous aurons le plaisir d’écouter Maria Konoshenko & Maria Khachaturyan.

Titre de la présentation :

“Tonal systems in contact: A two-level tone language meets three level tones”


In this talk, we explore the multilingual acquisition of level tones in a contact situation. We analyse production data from Mano and Kpelle, two Mande languages that are only distantly related to each other but are spoken in the same region of Forest Guinea (West Africa). Both languages have level tones, but crucially, in Mano, there is a three-way lexical Low/Mid/High contrast, while Kpelle only features a binary Low/High contrast. We discuss how Kpelle-dominant bilinguals, who have two tonal categories in their dominant language, produce three level tones in Mano, and compare their tonal realisations with those of the benchmarks, i.e. Mano-dominant speakers, as well as with Kpelle benchmark production. We show that Low and High tones in Mano are relatively easy to acquire for Kpelle-dominant speakers, but the Mid tone is challenging for some. We then discuss whether acoustic similarity, tone frequency and phonological markedness can account for the observed variation.


Pour toute demande d’information, merci de contacter Lameen Souag

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Balthazar Do Nascimento (6 mars 2024). [TACOL] Maria Konoshenko et Maria Khachaturyan │ “Tonal systems in contact: A two-level tone language meets three level tones”. LES CARNETS DU LACITO. Consulté le 19 février 2025 à l’adresse

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