[TACOL] Prof. Adams BODOMO │ “Diaspora Linguistics: methods and theories for the study of multilingual matters among Africans in Europe”
Séminaire TACOL
Terrains, Analyse et COmparaison des Langues
La prochaine séance de notre séminaire TACOL aura lieu le mercredi 22 janvier 2025 à 16h00, sur place (salle de réunion 311, Campus CNRS de Villejuif) et sur Zoom.
Nous aurons le plaisir de recevoir et d’écouter le Prof. Adams BODOMO (Professor of African Linguistics and Literatures, Universität Wien).
Titre de la présentation :
“Diaspora Linguistics: methods and theories for the study of multilingual matters among Africans in Europe”
Résumé :
Diaspora Linguistics is an interdisciplinary area that straddles the subject matter of Diaspora Studies and Linguistics, and may be defined as the study of the world-wide flow of socio-cultural objects such as language, images, and meanings resulting in hybridizations and cultural and linguistic transformations within and across diaspora communities. This talk is based on a 10-year study for a book manuscript, tentatively titled “Africans in Europe: Diaspora Linguistics and Beyond” (CUP). In the book, I propose Diaspora Linguistics as a new or emergent area of linguistics that focuses on analysing linguistic and related cultural issues in migrant and diaspora communities, and their attendant implications about linguistic diversity, linguistic and cultural integration, and socio-economic development in these migrant and diasporic communities. In this talk, I focus on the diaspora linguistic topic of linguistic repertoires, describing the methods and theories that led to my compilation of complex linguistic repertoires based on a survey of 300 people of African origins in Guangzhou, China and 300 people of African origins in Vienna, Austria.
Pour toute demande d’information, merci de contacter Lameen Souag
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Balthazar Do Nascimento (20 décembre 2024). [TACOL] Prof. Adams BODOMO │ “Diaspora Linguistics: methods and theories for the study of multilingual matters among Africans in Europe” LES CARNETS DU LACITO. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/12yzg