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Étiqueté : anthropologie

Langage et Société : Un dialogue entre Paris et Chicago

Journées d’étude organisées par Michael Silverstein (U. de Chicago), Cécile Canut (U. Paris Descartes-Cerlis), James Costa (Sorbonne Nouvelle-Lacito), Isabelle Léglise (CNRS-SeDyL). Date : 12–13–14 juin 2017 Lieu : University of Chicago Center in Paris, 6 rue Thomas Mann, 75013 Paris Recomposition of urban landscape – Routes 1A – Crédits photo : Sachiyo Nishimura Chicago et Paris ont été, historiquement, deux grands centres de réflexion et de...

Language endangerment, social justice, and education in Oaxaca, Mexico

“Language is not a problem unless it is used as a basis for discrimination, but it has in fact been so used as far back as we have records.” Einar Haugen, 1973, The Curse of Babel, p. 54 The equal value of all systems of communication is one of the fundamental principles of the disciplines of Linguistics and Anthropology, and is also recognized in multiple...